i use mags from g&p,classic army, tm, star and the stock ics mags. all work fine. as a rule never use cheap crappy bb's. you'll on ly pay for it it the end and it will cost you far more in repairs later than what it saves you now in bb's. i've read posts form other people who swear by walmart of crappy tire brands saying that "ive never had problems" or "only occasionally do i have a problem" but it's just dumb luck. spend the money to get proper bb's and you won't have an issue. but as far as a new loading nozzle, check with airsoft elite in the u.s. and see if they stock the part. you could try with the retailer who sold you the gun, but it's not a common part and you may have some trouble finding it. but stick to the stock ics part as they have a tendency to employ small enough differences in their parts to make them proprietary and not be interchangable with other brands.