January 22nd, 2019, 22:14
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Scarbororororough
Originally Posted by Dooms
Hi there,
I've recently bought a Classic Army SCAR-L Sportline from someone and I'm having some problems with feeding and shot consistency. My current guess is that it is a problem with the hop-up rubber and potentially the unit itself. It seems to pass a round down the barrel every-other shot rather than each shot, so I get the feeling it isn't a mechbox issue, but rather something with the hop-up unit. When it does feed (again, every-other shot), the shots seem wildly inconsistent, both in FPS and accuracy (shots flying wildly to the left), leading me to believe there could be a problem with the rubber. I've tried a few different magazines besides the one it came with and got better results on one of them, but not others.
Reading around, the SCAR hop-up units are different than standard M4 units, so I can't just drop a new one in easily. Does anyone know where I can look for a CA SCAR hop-up unit, or perhaps some that will work in it correctly (ideally without modifications)? I've read somewhere once that the CA SCAR unit is proprietary, so I HAVE to buy a CA one? Can anyone confirm this?
Further, if someone suspects something else is the problem, I'd love to hear about it.
Many thanks.
The unit might be different but the rubbers should be universal. Perhaps yours was installed from factory incorrectly. Have you tried to take apart the hop up unit, re-position the nub and realign the rubber to the barrel? If the problem persists try swapping out the rubber.
What BB's are you using?