Originally Posted by Donster 125
I sincerely appreciate the response! Nice to "see" you again lol
Interesting about the TM guns! Does VFC have the feature where the gun stops working until a new mag is inserted and the bolt catch is depressed?
Lastly, do you have any suggestions as to how to reclaim my old account?
if you want empty mag detection you'll be looking at the KWA ERG series and TM next gen recoils along with Systema and GBLS DAS
BBBastard has come back with new owners and apparently the same factory but
https://airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=186639 this thread has some interesting info.
personally brands for BBs I got for
Eliteforce, HPA, Geoffs
TM is still pretty much standard.
WE is good entry level
Armourer Works has done well
KWA has kinda dropped off and I havent seen much of them in the past few years.
As for "Glock" you wont find much since Glock actually stepped into the airsoft market through eliteforce
Retailers in the GTA theres a few.
I usually stop by Mach1 and Airsoftdepot
but theres also Toronto airsoft and Gearupairsoft, theres also airsoftparts.ca, blackblitz, niagaraquartermaster
As for getting back your old account, not much you can do other then contact mods/admins.