I have one as well having picked it up for a huge steal of a price ($200 for nearly brand new) and intending to sell it on.
Like you mentioned the stock leaves a bit to be desired. I'm 6'5" and it doesn't fit my arms very well after playing numerous cqb games with it.
The stock battery compartment is small after being stuffed with the mosfet and fuse. You can buy extenders for them but I just slapped in a surplus M4 buffer tube and it fits fine. If the tube rattles, a couple wraps of electrical tape fixes that.
Also you have to use 11.1 LiPos only, first time I used it all I had were 7.4 lipos and they were powering out with over 75% battery life left in the battery, slapped in a fresh battery and it was happy again.
The sound compensator is ridiculously loud on the target end of the gun, not a gun to use if you are playing stealthy unless you remove it or put a suppressor on it.
For me, I never really planned on keeping it and really found it doesn't fit my size or play style so I'm going back to my Mp5 for indoor play.
Last edited by Jaeger_CDN; August 31st, 2018 at 12:10..