KWA MP7 won't cycle completely
Hey guys, I've been using my KWA MP7 for a couple of years and haven't encountered this problem since recently, and I'm just stuck.
I load up a mag, pop it in, rack it, then the first shot goes off fine. From there it won't fire properly again without having me rack it. If I check the chamber I can see that no BB has been loaded in, however the hammer has been cocked, so I can pull the trigger and expel gas but that's it. On full auto, the first shot fires off then it's all dry firing.
Main suspect to me is something gas related, as if I was releasing more gas the bolt would go back further and the feed cycle would be completed. If I fire an empty magazine the bolt doesn't lock back, however I can rack it back to lock the bolt, further suggesting I'm not getting enough power to bring the bolt back.
Here's where it gets really weird. I have an NPAS valve installed and tried it in several positions, always with the same result, but when I changed it out for the original KWA valve and try and fire, all of the gas in the magazine dumps out of the barrel and chamber. I've lubed the mags and O-rings, and I've tried several magazines. This doesn't happen with the NPAS installed.
So I essentially have a bolt action MP7. What do you all think? Thanks for reading.
Last edited by FilthyHorse; August 4th, 2018 at 18:16..