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Old July 24th, 2018, 22:44   #4
Ov3rWatch's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2015
I'd actually buy the new G&G raider 2.0's or the srl series. A very good starter gun and you don't have to do anything really to it for a long time. They have a programmable mosfet (basically you can run 11.1 batteries out of the box and you can change semi to three round burst) and a Electronic Trigger Unit (ETU) which gives it some very good trigger response as well out of the box. I will say that the downside is they do have a proprietary gearbox, so I wouldn't recommend turning this gun into a DMR.

I think the main difference between asia and us versions of the guns is 2 things. Trademarks if they have any and FPS out of the box. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Asia versions will generally ship with a softer spring which gives it a lower fps and US versions will have them a bit higher. Also usually in the states they'll come with an orange flash hider.
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