Originally Posted by Charlot1405
Good I am happy to learn that!! I never experienced hpa but from what you are saying it does look pretty safe!
And for the upsides those are the main reasons I want to try to hpa tap it... Consistency I what appeals me! I was also thinking of feeding bb's through some kind of auto winding box mag, but that project is for later ^^
I've been running HPA tapped mags on all my GBBR's for almost 2 years now and I've found that it is the only consistent way to run GBBR's all year round and have fps consistency.
During the course of time I've run HPA, I always have someone come up and ask me how I reload and is it difficult. I then respond with a quick demonstration and then a look of astonishment at how it doesn't really interfere or slow down reloading with a non HPA tapped mag.
Granted it still takes 1/2 a second more to unplug/plug the hose, but like with any repetitive drill operation it becomes more efficient and thoughtless the more you practice it.
As for 'looking silly'; play the way you want to play. It's your gear and you can play however you want as long you're in the rules of the game.