Yes, I have seen that, usually high pressure regulators can take in up to 1000 psi and reduce it down to 100-160 right? Normally there is a way to adjust exactly the desired psi if I'm not mistaken. For now I think I will stay with the tank I already have, as buying another one would cost even more money.
The idea of connecting it without the valve seems interesting! I will definitely look into it to see if it is as simple as it sound or not, although I am not certain about drilling my mag.
I see this is what I thought... It will definitely need more lubrification.
Also, I never thought about that problem.... I live in Québec and there are not that many fields near where I live, and they accept hpa.. But keeping a couple of mags untouched cool indeed be useful if anything happens to my setup...
Another question I just got: are there a lot of risks if breaking between the regulator and the line? I would think that t those pressures, the regulator could leak? Or are they generally pretty well made? And is there any chances that the line cut and starts emptying my tank on the field?