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Old April 4th, 2018, 09:33   #9
silent_lemon's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: North Vancouver, BC
I havent played airsoft in about 8 years but my first game back is on April 8th in abbotsford on townshipline road. It's a facebook group and i dont know the name of the field if it's even public. Cost is $25 and HPA fills are $5. Im sure you can find it on facebook for Vancouver area, if not PM me and ill send you address

Back in the day i played at Panther with OpFor and BCAC on the paintball side as well as the airsoft side of the stream, while they were renting and hosting paintball skirmishes, but now that Panther is doing airsoft only, i would just suggest going to Panther. It has everything for a good solid game day, lunch area, rentals, branch out from there. Theres a youtube channel that hosts out of Panther I believe, House Gamers Airsoft

I played at Bigfoot in Mission a few times, that was super fun, good group of people, more serious players, I remember the field being significantly smaller than Panther, considering Panther has multiple big fields to choose from.

Ive also played at the North Vancouver paintball field, very small but some very good gameplay, I havent seen it mentioned so I will, I cant say whether it's still a thing though; it was organized through which is now

RE Stores: Camouflage surplus is more expensive than Gorilla surplus, milsig is more expensive than trigger airsoft. welcome to airsoft in vancouver bud!

Last edited by silent_lemon; April 4th, 2018 at 09:44..
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