Originally Posted by Flaming Salami
There isn't much info on the gun from where I bought it from (Mach1 Airsoft) but I believe it is a VR16 E-series standard M4 (not even an RIS). I just purchased it this past summer so I am assuming it is the most recent version of their VFC offerings.
Also a noob question here, but what is an FET? I am familiar with a MOSFET.
On a side note, I purchased the gun with the intention of not doing many serious internal upgrades, but if I can give it a few upgrades here or there without risking too much then I am all ears.
Thanks for the help guys!
FET is just short for mosfet.
In terms of small upgrades, it entirely depends on what you'd like to achieve. For 40 bucks you can get yourself an SHS high torque motor which will really improve how snappy your gun is. An upgraded barrel group wouldn't hurt either if you'd like better groupings at range. This is usually accomplished via R-HOP and tightbore or just a simple PDI W-Hold rubber (which I've had great results with).
To help decide what to upgrade, its best to read around and see what performance you'd like to get out of your gun.