Hi everyone,
I'm in the process of trying to find a new chest rig, and I'm having a bit of a rough time.
My old rig is a Condor Modular Rig (this guy:
https://www.condoroutdoor.com/condor-cs.aspx). It fit extremely well, was very comfortable and didn't slow me down or restrict my movement.
Unfortunately, now it's starting to fall apart, plus I've changed from an M4 primary to a Scorpion EVO, so the M4 mag pouches are kinda wasteful (though they don't take up much space).
I've been looking for a new rig for some time now, and I can't seem to find one I like. I'm looking to spend more on this one than the Condor ($200-$300 ideally, can't afford to put together a Crye rig even if I wanted to), but I keep running into the same problems.
1) A lot of chest rigs are teensy-tiny. I'm looking for something with a good amount of MOLLE, not a glorified brassiere.
2) I don't really want a plate carrier; every one I've tried on has felt really restrictive. I play very aggressively - not being able to turn my head as well or having pressure on my sides doesn't suit me at all.
3) I'm a bit of a bigger guy (fat, not muscle.. not like morbidly obese but my stomach is an inch or two bigger than my chest). A lot of the stuff I find, I'm worried about the fit.
I don't need the hydration carrier from the Condor rig, or the M4 pouches. I'd like even more MOLLE if possible.
If anyone has any recommendations, I'd really appreciate it.