Thread: Ghk ak chat
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Old March 15th, 2018, 08:44   #6
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GHK AK .. probably the best platform out there IMO. Only immediate downside is it's half travel vs WE's full travel, but in turn you get better performance for small sacrifice of realism.

Externals are from LCT so you know the externals are top tier, unlike their GHK M4's which has semi decent externals/finish.

If you compare stock to stock, the AKs have a harder kick IMO, adjusting hopup is easier aswell, as you just life your dust cover up.

I agree with the hop up chamber breaking easily on all GHK products, one double feed can really crack your hopup unit, but it's a $5 replacement.. and is it worth the $100 USD TNT setup? Maybe.. if you play outdoors, for indoors all you need is a hard nub and a maple leaf bucking IMO.

For the AK's, the only real "parts" you will need after sometime is the hepheathus sear/firing pin? (minor internal bits) everything else you can snail mail from samoon for the price of a cup of coffee.
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