Thread: Headset
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Old March 2nd, 2018, 21:05   #6
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: The Shwa
the Opsmen Earmor m32s are what I run, they're comfortable, and are on par with the howard lights I've found. another member did a comparrision with them against his comtacs. needless to say they didnt compare too well however he mentioned for the price they're a hell of a lot better then any repro trash and he even said they'd be on par with most of the electronic hearing protection you can get from cabelas etc.. with the exception of the stupidly high end ones.

that all being said,
you will need a real or their PTT as the repro ones do not work.
the headband is meh I replaced mine with a perroz design one.
you will sweat so a removable headband is good.
they run off 2 AAA batteries one in each cup.
the foam and earcup itself is more comfortable then repros and the rubber cup is softer so it forms around eye pro a bit nicer especially glasses.
the mic is nice and can be swapped from left or right easily or removed all together.
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