Hey all, hopefully you don't mind me poking into this thread some some horrible quality photoshop, if that's not allowed in these sorts of threads, fair enough.
I picked up a scar h open bolt, because damn she's sexy, and I currently have a couple more mags (for a total of four to start) in the mail, as well as the nitro.vo laylax rail extension (the wait for which is going to suck).
Anyhow, I found that rail extension, then a reddit post where someone had modified an mk16 one to fit the scar l so I grabbed that picture for the extension, with some slight quick color correction.
Anyhow, I'm basically torn on whether I should grab a black suppressor, or a tan one, as with my pistol I like the two tone look, hence the black red dot I got, I'm just not 100% sure on the suppressor since I can't see it in person, I'd love some opinions. I had wanted to wait until it was all put together before showing the setup, however I'm impatient, and these suppressors are 75 bucks each so I'd rather order one instead of both and deal with return shipping and whatnot.
Basically I could grab the black or tan suppressor (i'm leaning towards tan), and then I want to plasti dip or paint the bottom of the rail extension to match the stock rails, I think it will end up looking pretty good, unfortunately it's going to be at least a month for the rail kit to come in.
(scale is likely a tad off for some bits, but I think I got it pretty close, suppressor is probably too wide though).
Whichever the option turns out to be, I can't wait to get it all together and share some real pictures with you guys, there are definitely some other sexy scar's in this thread, looks like one or two others had the integrated suppressor look idea as well

. If I'm lucky I can get fully set up before going to my first match.
I also want to possibly get either an angled grip or grip pod, a flip to side magnifier, or a SpectrDR sight instead, and I'd really love an ssr style stock, or one of those skeleton ones for real steel.
Edit: Oh yeah I did briefly toy with a knights armament style suppressor, and have a black interior and tan heat shield, or vice verca, but they are all fairly short.
edit 2: finally dug up some specs for the suppressor I'm looking at, yeah, it's 220mm x 34mm so I probably have an extra half inch on those pictures. A bit of a shame as I think that large actually looks alright