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Old January 29th, 2018, 16:01   #26
leth1337's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: York Region, Ontario
Originally Posted by danhay View Post
I started playing with a GBBR but switched to an AEG and then HPA (which uses AEG mags). GBBRs are more fun but if everyone else is using AEGs with mid-cap mags then you will need follow suit or you will be out gunned.

However, I didn't use my GBBR very long because at big games I found my 30 round mags to be a liability when going toe-to-toe with an AEG with even a mid-cap mag (80+ rounds). I found I was performing mag changes while the other guy continued to hose rounds at me; simply put I was out gunned by the larger AEG mag capacity.
not true. if you have good timing and a smart play style you're just as, if not more, effective than a guy dumping entire mags into a room just because he can afford to waste the ammo. my team is 100% gas and has been doing fine vs aeg, polarstar, and ptw users alike
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