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Old October 28th, 2017, 22:53   #1
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Glace Bay, NS
Exclamation Trigger Clicking

Hey everyone,
I have upgraded my intervals in my VFC Gearbox (V2), however when all put back together and placed in the lower, it makes a clicking noise on semi, with no battery attached or anything.
Basically, when I go from safe to semi, it’s almost as if the safety is still on and it needs some pressure to release, then it makes a clicking noise each pull.

When going from semi to full, it squeezes or pulls like it normally should.

When going back from full to semi, it has a tiny resistance, but pulls okay.

Then going from semi to safe it locks like normal, then the cycle repeats every time the sector is switched.

Any ideas on what to look for when opening this up when I’m free? Is it the mechanics safety lever? The trigger shuttle? Cut off lever?

Thanks in advance folks!
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