Thread: M4a1 Vs G36c
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Old October 11th, 2005, 10:59   #24
Man Solo
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M4 is teh gay!
Version 3 BABY!
Version 6 is the best but if you must have a large rifle get version 3. No one will ever say that a stock m4 with a version 2 mechbox is better than a stock g36 with a version 3 mechbox.
The appeal of the m4 is it poularity in the real world and the real steel bolt on accessories.
If you are going to play airsoft, and you want useability and performance from a stock gun, it really dons't matter what you get they all perform very much the same. The version 3 mechbox is just a little more solid than the rest.

Paying also sufficent attention to third personell.
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