Thread: M4a1 Vs G36c
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Old October 10th, 2005, 20:43   #4
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Sudbury, ON
well as for me, I'd say hes new and everyone even the pros started from somewhere. as for accuracy, they both have the same motor and gearbox (i think) and the same length barrel, so right out of the box they should shoot the same. as for batterie life, if you have an 8.4volt 1700mah battery, then the voltage will tell you how fast (shots per time) you will shoot and the mah will tell you how much of a charge you will get, the higher the number the longer the life. i would go for a Tokyo Marui M4A1 personally, its just personal preference, i myself like the TM AUG civ and AK47 much more then any of the armalite (M16, M4) family, or the MP5 of G3 families, but i guess its what you want, it all comes down to personaly preference. im out
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