Lots of people losing their shit, understandably, after two organizers havijg actually scammed people.
Ive had no reason to think this was ever a scam. Refunds have been going out, slower than stated by the organizer, but they're being sent nonetheless.
If this were a scam, i imagine the organizer would have, more traditionally, not given out any statement, let alone refunds, sold all their shit and fled the province then bought a tour bus to restore lol
Thus far all attempts to bitch and moan on social media have resulted in the most vocal being put last in line for refunds. Soooooo pretty counterproductive so far.
The airsoftcanada facebook group is remaining neutral on the issue, as we have no reason still to believe this may be a scam, but rather just an unfortunate series of events and improperly executed fiscal plan. But the latter is really none of our business. And quite frankly, we dont want a bunch of counterproductive and ultimately futile shitposting all over the page.
The only crime here is a bit of mismanagement.
Theres some mentally retarded people calling for class action lawsuit. But they're emotionally driven idiocy is made incredibly apparent by their lack of understanding of anything at all. If you sue someone who doesnt HAVE all your money for all your money, how are you going to get all your money? Answer is you wont.
But you'll waste a shitload in legal fees lol
Anyway refunds are still going out, so no reason to call a national community crisis just yet.
Word on the grapevine is some groups were going to the game specifically to fuck with it. My understanding is the BC community is quite polarized and many people wanted to see him fail.
Cause, you know, fuck this one guy and 300 other people incidently...