Originally Posted by MattCreek
You could tell that this event was never going to happen. First there were 2 other events scheduled earlier in the year and both were cancelled for "unforseen" issues at the venue. Second months before the big event he claims there was people going to the property and playing airsoft at night. This apparently ended with police being called etc. However I know people that live on the property as care takers and they never heard of the issue. Not saying it couldn't of happened but chances are strong it was an out as a short time after this was one of the results to the game being cancelled.
I also would like to point out that if the person and/or company knew how to run things they would have put all ticket sales into trust to protect the merchants and their money. Which means the company would have to be out of pocket to put the event on until such date and then could pay itself back. It's called overhead.
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If who youre talking about is who is mentioned in this thread:
The dude "Adrian who is out $52k" is in the hole for money. Sheesh, no wonder he's freaking out.
The guy needs to re-evaluate a lot of things going on... This was something that happened in July and it's still ongoing. Damn.