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Old July 24th, 2017, 09:11   #1
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Thornhill, ON, Canada, North America, Earth
improve glove friction?

I got a pair of MPACT gloves. These are definitely the older gen where there is no grove on the trigger and thumb fingers. So story short, when I try to change mages, I tend to drop them as they slip way.

At this point I am considering to cut off the fingers (NOT my own fingers, the fingers on the glove, and not while I am wearing it) but before I go that path, are there other options I can try?
Current Arsenal:
AW Hi-Capa 5.1 X 2
EMG DD MK18 Cerakote
TM MP5 First gen Rare find
TM MP5A5 with swordfish 2004
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