My Kwa mp7 is the most reliable GBB pistol (MachinePistol) by far.
In the 5 years I've owned it, i've probably done a proper maintenance routine once. Aside from making sure the mag channels are clean, I know whenever I pull it out of the case, it'll just work.
Two "weak" points about it has to do with the design.
First, the plastic cover at the front of the gun. It can pop out or have the top inner clip break. This is because the bars for the retractable stock has just enough length to smash into it. If buying new, take off the cover, reshape it with a slight relief.
Second thing is the integrated folding foregrip (on the navy model). It cannot handle too much stress. Most people crack it at the pivot joint.
I have 7 mags, never touched the seals, 5+ years, realistically gamed 4 times a year at most, never a hiss. I liked it so much I bought a backup...but ended up selling it cause it was completely unnecessary.