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Old May 31st, 2017, 02:08   #17
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Location: Winnipeg
Originally Posted by pestobanana View Post
I felt a TM G3 the other day, it was a total piece of shit.
It's a fucking awesome model gun, but yeah. Even with the unicorn zinc receiver you'd have to be a special kind of delicate with one to game it (PSG or G3).

Keep in mind, (others, not necessarily Pesto) Back in Ye Olden Days we knew that external fitment directly contributed to internal fitment, but not yet exactly why.

TM had some precise goddamn mechanical clout, and CA at the time actually had some decent metal stuff (relatively), so many hybrids were made. Some of them rocked. Wish I had bought that Amos/ Thundercactus abomination when it was up (though it may have creaked itself to death by now). I may have gamed that thing once and it was goddamn platinum at the time.

Some techs did amazing shit with what they had, we've just got it easy now. Nevermind what people did with guns when an A&K LMG was two grand.

It was a dark time.
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