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Old May 19th, 2017, 14:58   #40
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Join Date: Aug 2014
Location: Pickering/Toronto
Originally Posted by Danke View Post
I understand why invite only happens, but we need to be careful about how we handle both new players, and the more "casual" player group.

I've had a few opportunities to play at invite-only games where you know the crowd is good and everyone is "vetted" and they are enjoyable, but we need to consider why these types of games exist. In the realm of private games... Statements like "I reserve the right to vet all players" or "you are not on the roster until I approve you" are somewhat BS. Are you saying this because you are legitimatly afraid all the bad boyz in red digi-cam are going to show up and ruin your game, or is it because you and all your friends just want to play with familiar-face, "top tier opr8drrs".

I have a contingency of friends that would have a hard time getting into an invite-only game, not because they are bad boyz, but because they simply don't play regularily enough to become known and make the connections they need to get invited/"vetted".

If you're worried about the sport dieing, I'd say don't be afraid to play with fresh faces, and take the time to mentor new players. I agree that the responsibility to keep players in the game for more than two years (and to prevent the sport from dieing) falls on the shoulders of Milsim and the veteran player community.

*Busy signing for his packages*
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