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Old May 11th, 2017, 13:44   #7
Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Beeton, Ontario
Okay, every kwa I have ever owned or worked on seems to have this problem. I fixed it in all cases but the reasons causing the issue differed.

I agree that this isn't a gearbox issue. A protein hop up will not work, nor will any aftermarket hop up. The only one that will work (without a crazy amount of modification) is a stock plastic kwa hop unit.

In my experience, this is not nozzle related either; it's the outer barrel itself. It didn't seem like it but it was pressing the hop up so hard on the gear box that the hop unit was bending outwards and creating a lip which was causing feeding issues. Other times it had something to do with my bucking; rebuild the barrel portion, change the nub, and make sure that the bucking is seated properly.

Try just holding the barrel in place with no upper. If it fires, 100% it's outer barrel related, if not, then it's bucking.
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