I think it's important to note that since China loves to use crappy, less durable materials, having a standard that just had more raw material available is going to be better.
Keymod had breakages in the study which, when you think about the amount of material available, isn't surprising. MLOK accessories mostly just displaced (slid, but stayed attached) in the slot whereas Keymod blew up. And this is on real steel, quality rails... Not China pot metal. Once you add in Pot metal I think its safe to say it's gonna be bad memes
I'm not a Material Sciences student or anything but just looking at why Keymod failed in testings, and why MLOK didn't, it's pretty obvious and consistent if you employ common sense. More available material is better.
It's a shame Keymod didn't experience some good benefit from being the one that requires much more precise machining to manufacture.