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Old May 7th, 2017, 11:48   #20
Oh we do hate you, just never felt like wasting the time to give you a user title :P
Hectic's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Is say its a mixed bag. Theb"old timers" who had been here before the creation of the modern ASC forum are mostly out of the game or play rarely.
All the best groups (both old and new) tend to play private/semi private games/fields and big Milsim events.
The young/new group are enthusiastic and for the most part alot younger then the previous generation due to the ease of acess.
When I started playing one needed close to 1000 bucks just to buy a decent rifle and mags and basic gear (boots eyepro).
That kept the group small and commited.
Nowadays one can get involved/try it out for 50bucks and then if they like it drop 3-500 and play.
Then later decide if they need Rhopped prometheus inners with paintball, i mean polarstar internals etc...
Now we are in transision. We are to an extent becoming the new paintball and as such wind up with devided groups (woods ball, speed/hyperball, milsim/milskrim) and folks get shifted around finding what they like.
Its great really overall but at the same time it thins us out, lots of fields everyone spread out. At a time all of us from scarborough to hamilton and beyond had to travell to FR for Zeons outdoor airsoft only days in 3 feet of snow. Now we can choose from 5 games every week so we choose the closest one and stay home if it rains lol.
As for the snoflakes and such, well without trying to offend anyone, if full auto (within reason, not 5 seccond burst of 60bbsps from a cmag), and thunderB's, smoke nades and rubber knife kills are too intense for you, you may want to stick with Nearf, Lazer Tag or LARPing, all of those can let you "play soldier"
In a "safe space".
For the speedballer airsofters welcome, i cant wait untill the fields start catering better to your needs without forcing you into the paint soaked fields, and i encourage you yo come out a play with the "milsim" guys from time to time, we can all learn tactics from eachoter.
I guesd really we are just in a transistion. PB was the same before. Community division because some like pink and double triggers and some like mag fed and multi cam lol
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn View Post
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull
Lvl. 3 certified sniper
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