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Old May 1st, 2017, 19:09   #1
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Quebec
Where to look for a GSG9-type helmet w/visor


I'm looking into building myself a GSG9-type outfit for my airsoft activities, but I have a very hard time finding helmets that look like the GSG9 helmets.

I checked out local stores and army surplus and they had some riot helmets that were kinda similar but didn't have the two large "earmuffs" on either side of the helmet. Anybody know where I could get one of these or what they are called?

Looking for a replicas btw, real ones look like they'd be expensive since they're used by special forces.

Rainbow Six image for reference

Last edited by yogurtstorm; May 1st, 2017 at 19:20..
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