Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
Basically, you used the wrong type of sealant
I used what the tutorial said, I basically went to canadian tire and bought the exact same item.
Originally Posted by RainyEyes
Blue sealant is fine so long as he cycles the gas inside the mag and doesn't over do it with the silicone oil. The proper steps to prep the mag is to:
Clean mag of oil residue
Apply sealant
Wait 24 hours
Put 1 second of gas in mag to achieve tolerances
Wait 48 hours
Fill gas to Max capacity
Take outside
Press down release valve and release all the gas/sealant
Repeat until no more blue comes out
The mag shouldn't leak anymore even after releasing all the loose sealant but this is just a hassle with blue sealant versus black.
This is basically the step I did not do:
Wait 48 hours
Fill gas to Max capacity
With the looks of it, I have to retry them now. Will I be able to use other similar solvent to get rid of the blue glu out of the gun itself?