For fashion camo pants and a shirt in a colour from the pattern.
For field use it doesnt really matter, just match to the background.
So at this time of year in your basic Ontario woodland area brown, tan, woodland, MC etc.. bottoms and OD, woodland, Atacs FG, etc... top as the cedars and pines will be green as will many of the tree however youll be in dry grass or muddy, leaf liter and damp areas where the forest is older so you will blend in just fine with brown or tan bottoms and green tops even without a pattern but a pattern does help against a lot of observers but some can pic out your pattern even so YMMV
Originally Posted by m102404
Hectic....FFS start writing in coherent sentences!!!
Originally Posted by JDoorn
Thanks Hectic,
While your posts are sometimes a difficult read, you sure are helpfull 
Lvl. 3 certified sniper