Pulsar Laser Designators
So I'm currently in the market for an IR designator. Been searching and re-searching both the forums and the internet for general information, reviews and maybe get a good deal. I know about the OTALs, ITALs, DBALs, UNIMAX-IRs, etc.
Something however for it's pricepoint caught my interest. The Pulsar line of class-1 IR Designator/ Illuminators, more specifically, the L-808s and L-915. Though clearly not as pretty as a DBAL or OTAL, I'm willing to put the looks of them aside when looking at the price. Will it hold up to abuse like a Steiner or LDI product? I have no clue.
Does anyone have a review or at least some sort of experience with one of said units? Is it worth purchasing at around $300 or should I step up to a Lasermax UNI-IR?
Or even better, if any of you have an IR laser system you'd be willing to part with, drop me a DM.

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TM Glock 17