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Old April 10th, 2017, 18:49   #999
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Vancouver B.C.
I have a all stock marui g17 I am using propane with that I am trying to preserve as much as possible.

I've been told the front post will blow up eventually, so to stop that i have filled the empty space around the post with JB weld flush so the safety is still working.

Will this realistically save the post, or not really?

What else can i do to preserve this post. what else can i do reinforcement wise anywhere else?

I ideally would like to not buy any upgrades for it. I feel like a stronger spring or metal slide will just increase wear some where else.

If there is a way to decrease kick, or make some rubber stoppers I would be fore that. I first and foremost just want it to shoot the bb's with out breaking.
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