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Old April 8th, 2017, 15:20   #1
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Norwich, ON
Question on the Importing Guns F.A.Q.

I'm going on a long road trip in May from Ontario to California, and I wanted to stop by the Evike Superstore and maybe pick up a gun. As long as I truthfully declare the gun and everything about it (and the rest of my stuff as well, obviously), no legal action can be taken against me, aside from gun seizure, correct? As well, there is a possibility that I will be let through with it, depending on the officer on duty at the time? Is it likely that it will be let through, or are airsoft guns commonly seized, even though it's properly stated and done professionally?

In short, should I even bother try bring a gun into Canada due to the likely hood of it being seized?

Many thanks,

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