A mini or super short barreled m4 is not a bad choice imo, espeicially if your gear is already suited for m4, there's no doubling up on gear having a different setup to carry non m4 shaped mags. I found with mp5 there's a shortage of quality lightweight pouches for mp5 mags, so much that I'm looking into making some of my own to replace the acm ones that I bought that are now falling apart.
If you want all out performance at the high end, that would solve a lot of issues on 2 guns to have the same gear and mag setup. It's airsoft, technically there's no difference in any platform outside of upgrade and maintenance capability. They all shoot the same projectile and use essentially the same parts and the same physics, so there's nothing to be gained from seeking out an smg over a not so authentic m4.
If you want to look different sure, get a different setup.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.