Originally Posted by BioRage
Key question - What's your budget?
No point for people to pour out their info like Lurking if your budgets only $200, amirite?
CZ EVO Scorpion will set you well over $600 new.
Don't forget the new Kriss Vector AEG hitting stores soon!
Good point on budget Bio.
Having talked to a few techs, they seem... hesitant (to say the least)... to work on that nightmarish looking thing Krytac's calling a gearbox. Who knows, maybe they did a really good job designing it and it's actually easy to work on. But that's a good one too, I'd forgotten about the Vector.
As for the point of a PDW, the VFC KAC PDWs have proprietary bits internally and are a little strange. They're very nice, but it's a bit of a pain if one of those bits break. You could just do a scratch build stubby M4, but it'd be a little bigger and bulkier than an SMG.
I'd hold out and see how the Vector and MP5 are (I'm watching and waiting myself). If they all suck, off to build the stubby or take a closer look at the EVO.