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Old March 22nd, 2017, 09:25   #23
Official ASC Geomorphologist
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Montr?al south shore, Qc
UMPs are a weird bunch. You have 3 models available, G&G, Classic Army and Umarex (OEMed by Ares I think). The Umarex is a piece of crap, don't take it even if it is given to you. Everything is cheap plastic and it WILL break.

Now the G&G and CAs are pretty good guns. CA cloned the G&G UMP, but reports say that its pretty much as good as the original. So if you can grab either it would be good, but at equal price, I'd go G&G. They take standard upgrades, but you don't have to go crazy on upgrades, they shoot pretty well out of the box. If you get the G&G and it comes with a green hop-up rubber you are pretty much set, otherwise you might want to change it. Of course you could go overkill and use a r-hopped prommy barrel, overhaul compression and everything, but the performance is pretty good out of the box so it is definitely not a requirement, you might want to put your money on another gun or some gear.

Keep in mind that the mags are VERY long on UMPs, you will need longer, more expensive mag pouches and forget crawling in the woods with these.
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