Originally Posted by Datawraith
Is there no aftermarket hop unit for it? Also, curious to know if you have an opinion on the Scorpion EVO, lurking.
There are prommy hopup parts for the tm style mp5 hop, but the way the nub is adjusted is the weakpoint in this design. I have those first strike parts and there was some improvement in the tightness, but in the end I opted to set the hopup and then attempted to tape the lever adjuster into place. It's not ideal but I very rarely ever have to adjust the hop once it's lifting the weight I'm using. The hop might be a bit more steady on a standard hop configuration but because theres no give in the rhop patch and nub, the passage of the BB is enough movement to bump the nub arm up out of where you set it. I was having issues with .32s lately getting the arm to stay put, seems to have improved with going back down to .3s
The g&g, cyma and CA ones all different are slider style like the AK and I think they are a bit tighter. I'm waiting with baited breath to see how lct does theirs and will probably sell or gut the one I have to put it into an lct if it's bettter. A quick change spring on a g3/mp5 would be perfect and a hopup improvement would be ideal along with a stamped steel upper.
As for the scorpion, I have not put my hands on one yet and nobody has given me one to upgrade, so I have no input to offer. All my evaluations for guns and their upgradability are based on knowledge I get when I open one up.