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Old March 21st, 2017, 19:03   #12
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Bear in mind, as far as I know, the EVO uses proprietary internals, so upgrading might be a bit of a pain. I'm hoping lurkingknight or another respected tech on here would chime in and offer their opinion of it. Online reviews show people like it, but I would take it as a grain of salt as nowadays there's a lot of hype about a product that might not perform as well as they would make you believe. Maybe someone in BC near you has one that they'd be willing to let you try out.

Some MP5s use a slightly modified V2 gearbox, so upgrades galore. We'll have to wait and see if LCT's is standard (I'm pretty sure it will be, they've got a good track record with their AKs). Splinter, is the TM MP5K plastic bodied?
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