Thread: My MK46
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Old March 21st, 2017, 18:00   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Eastern Passage, Nova Scotia
My MK46

After a long hiatus of not airsoft information, I've decided that it's time I return to the field.
I've been working on a few Punisher cosplay outfits and I wanted something big as I have an assortment of smaller platforms, but the Punisher needs a wide array of weaponry to make it a not fair fight for the bad guys.
Yesterday I bought an A&K MK46 from Venture Airsoft. Wanted to use it mostly for cosplaying but if I was gonna pay what I did for it it needed to be used for it's purpose so I've decided to return to Airsoft.

Can't wait to get back out on the field.
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"Me ne nazayen poschady i ne prosim dyla lyubogo" Russian Special Forces Motto
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