March 20th, 2017, 21:06
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Thornhill, ON, Canada, North America, Earth
Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
A word on quality; the cheaper plate carriers tend to have misaligned molle, and weak stitching. So it might be very difficult to get pouches on, and there's a possibility you might rip the molle. That aside, they often copy uncomfortable and outdated designs for plate carriers.
You don't need nearly as tough of gear indoors as outdoors. But better to buy once than twice.
If you *ever* plan on *ever* playing outdoors, and if you want a mid-grade plate carriers, I REALLY highly suggest NOT buying an ACU plate carrier. Not only are they beacons outdoors, but they can also be very hard to sell. Foliage green will match ACU nicely (seeing as it's one of the colors in the pattern), AND work outdoors very well.
And about mag pouches; you absolutely do not need to buy $50 KYWI or TACO pouches, but if a $2 pouch (kind that comes with $50 carriers) drops a $50 pistol mag and you lose it, is the $5 pouch REALLY worth it when you could have bought a far superior $15 pouch?
Some people rip on condor, but I think they make the best combo of affordable/durable/functional mag pouches. Double M4 mag pouch is like $30, that's almost china prices compared to TACO or KYWIs.
Apart from looking cool and providing some armor, plate carriers are overkill in CQB. You could just run a molle belt.
I have made the mistake of going with ACU as I always play indoor. I guess I have to think of a second color of choice very soon. plus, finding a matching ACU vest/or plate carrier is not as easy as I hoped. All places suggested so far do not have ACU at all!!!! I guess i need to rethink this issue now.
Current Arsenal:
AW Hi-Capa 5.1 X 2
EMG DD MK18 Cerakote
TM MP5 First gen  Rare find
TM MP5A5 with swordfish 2004