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Old March 20th, 2017, 13:53   #13
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: Thornhill, ON, Canada, North America, Earth
Originally Posted by Wrath144 View Post
That's the same no name trash, just expensive no name trash. Have a look at for TMC products.
How much you budget for gear is really up to you. My gear is worth more than all my guns combined, but that's because I don't have a single "airsoft" or "replica" gear item, the only exception being the red dead light on my helmet.
It may sound like I or we are being elitist, trying to get you to spend more. But we just want you to put forethought into your gear. And buying the cheapest stuff you can find is not a sign of good forethought.
A couple things though, if you're looking for ACU pattern gear you're not likely to find anything actually good in that pattern. Also if you're set on buying a plate carrier with pouches included, there really aren't many options for decent quality gear.
But I may be wrong, I haven't purchased replica gear in 5+ years.
that is the big issue, I am looking for ACU pattern to match my uniform
Current Arsenal:
AW Hi-Capa 5.1 X 2
EMG DD MK18 Cerakote
TM MP5 First gen Rare find
TM MP5A5 with swordfish 2004
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