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Old March 16th, 2017, 13:30   #13
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Vancouver B.C.
Originally Posted by RainyEyes View Post
In extreme cases if you bought a stock gun like a g&g unless it has noticable variation between shots there is no need to do maintenance yet.

For example if it is meant to shoot 350 fps on .20 and you get between 300-350 fps, there's usually no reason to open it up to fix the seal. Good airseal is usually between +/-4 to 10 fps.

If you get shots going between 200-350 however, that is a significant difference that should be looked into because your shots are now going from 100 meters to anywhere about 50 meters.

This is the case where compression is starting to fail either because of a failing seal, broken part, etc. People generally don't open stock parts unless they're experienced or they run it until something breaks.

I've had people's ARES guns loose compression (you can hear it no bb's shoot but it feeds) after 100 shots.

But in general, it depends on how bad the deviance is in fps to really say how much it affects consistency. And that's just the FPS. The hop up plays a major part once you have good air seal still.
That's the info I needed! Thanks!
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