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Old March 14th, 2017, 01:50   #5
Not Eye Safe, Pretty Boy Maximus on the field take his picture!
ThunderCactus's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2007
All the simple ACU cut trousers are going to be lighter than the crye cut stuff with a million pockets and kneepads.
Crye cut shirts are going to be lighter, though.
Thing is, I'd rather carry around the extra miniscule weight of the crye cut trousers and have the added weather protection and knee protection. I've found they about the same in the heat, but are a bit better insulated in winter (padded/insulated kneepad on ice vs knee on ice), and hold their heat better in the rain. Apparently kneepads make a big difference in thermal regulation? lol
Also, first time you kneel down on a BB on a concrete pad you're gonna think you split your patella.
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