Originally Posted by Bermanator98
So I've recently gotten into airsoft, and I'm looking into getting my first BDU set. With outdoor season coming, I'm hoping to get something lightweight, good quality, but also good value. Looking to spend ~$150-200 w/ taxes, I'm currently looking at a Massif combat shirt I can get for $80, and Tru-Spec (W32, L34) for $75. I will be looking in classifieds as well for good deals.
If anyone has input on either of these it would be greatly appreciated. Or if anyone has any other brand / product suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
Hero Army Surplus sells surplus USGI Scorpion (US Army Knock-off Multicam) sets. 50 bucks for shirt and 50 for pants... though they are in varying conditions of fading.
Guardians of Asgaard - KF25 -
Primaries: LCT AK74MN w/SKTBR, VFC M4 SOPMOD Block 2
Secondary: Latino heat, TM Glock 17