Originally Posted by Zeroroaster
At this point I'd try any other brand to see if it makes a difference. Not sure where you are, but where we are we've got Green Devil, Valken, Golden Ball, and even the new premium C-Tac BB's work great. I know, haters gonna hate, but those new C-Tac BB's are actually really good. Then again, the tightest barrel I run is a 6.03...so nice and loose.
Hi. Sorry for the late response, but i did not have time. So I bought some new BBs (Madbull, 0.2g). This time it fires 5-7 BBs and then nothing and occassionaly one or two BBs. (And sometimes some just fall out of the barrel) They are getting stuck in the barrel again. Once I cleared the barrel with the unjamming rod and 3-4 bbs fell out. The shootONE BBs didn't fire at all... soooo...