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Old February 21st, 2017, 18:29   #3
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Calgary
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It's not impossible and I haven't done it with your particular gun but I have done it with a couple others. Some modifications you may or may not need to make:

-Some front wired guns do not have a notch cut out of the washer that goes inside the buffer tube (that the long screw that holds the buffer tube on and screws into your spring guide goes through) to allow wires to pass through inside the buffer tube
-The stub that the buffer tube attaches to on the body needs to have a flat bottom or a gap (again, for the wires to go between the bottom of the stub and the buffer tube). On some bodies this is round on the bottom and has to be Dremel'ed or filed down.
-The sling mount or washer between the buffer tube and body may need a notch cut out the bottom

I never had issues with the actual mechbox itself, just the rear of the body as described above.
JG HK416
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