First Airsoft gun mainly for CQB
First of all, I didnt know if this should have gone in the Newbie Tank or not so Im sorry in advance if this is in the wrong section. So i've played my first two airsoft matches and I loved it. Now Im thinking about buying a gun. Theres this guy on Kijiji selling a never used E&C SR16 URX4. I started talking to the guy and he says he makes me a deal for $250 with a Acog Red Dot and Flashlight, batteries and charger included. Now thing is, I love the way the gun looks but im afraid its too long for CQB AND then theres the FPS limit thing. The field Im going to be playing on has a 350fps limit and I dont know anything about Airsoft guns to change the spring or anything. What should I do? Buy a new, smaller gun designed for CQB or is this SR16 a good deal and decent at CQB? I apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge and ignorance.