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Old February 1st, 2017, 17:16   #8
Katipunero's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Toronto
Originally Posted by Kungpow View Post
I am currently making a HPA High Capacity Magazine for a WA M4 sytem. It involves a AGM M4 GBB Magazine, Lonex M4 Flash Magazine, 6MM tubing, magazine coupler, HPA magazine adapter, and Ninja Paintball tank with regulator.
Yes, I pretty much have exactly the same materials to build mine except mine's a WE.

Toughest part is the tube from the high cap to the gbbr mag. It has to be absolutely smooth and straight as possible otherwise the bbs will jam at some point.

I'm using 1/4" ID tubing which is about 6.35mm so it's fairly good unless your bb's are dirty or mishapen somehow.

I've been experimenting with this setup with an M4 mag, but since I have a KAC PDW, it seems the KAC specific mags are better to try this on since the KAC mag uses the actual casing of the mag as the channel for the bb's, unlike the M4 which has the bb channel in the metal reservoir of the mag itself.

With the KAC mag, if I can get the tube low enough on the high cap winder, I can make the route for the tube from the hicap to the gbb mag all the way to the lip of the gbb mag, removing any potential for sharp bends or breaks in connection for the bbs to go through.
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