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Old February 1st, 2017, 00:51   #29
One of those username tags...
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Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Trenton, ON
Originally Posted by Tuzi View Post

Yep, that's the box.
Yeah, all the H&K rifles I have, use the same style box... was just spoiled after the ppq m2 navy unit.

That adapter does look pretty shallow... but more importantly, the threads on the smaller diameter seem quite coarse compared to the threads on the outer barrel... you sure it will fit?
I'm going to bring the adapter when I go pick up the gun in Toronto. if there is a slight sense that the inner thread is too shallow, I'll wait until a one-piece threaded barrel enters the market.

take a look at this vid by ASGI. he's talking about a once piece outer barrel on the later gens so I'm wondering what gen we have.
Heckler & Koch: buy once, cry once.
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