That could be correct and it certainly isn't normal. First off, try a high grade of BB, such as Elite Force or better. If it persists, try a different magazine, preferably a Systema one. This may help you, but it quite possibly won't. Also try better BBs in a newer/cleaner magazine.
If it doesn't, then it is your hop-seal and/or hop condition, how your barrel grouping is sitting, or how the nozzle and/or magazine is interacting with the hop unit.
There's not really any room for play in the Systema, so it shouldn't be a tolerance or seating issue, but enough pressure may throw it off a little. As this isn't a common issue you'll have to eliminate the possibilities step-by-step.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...